In life, and whatever we choose to do with it, we all have an initial optimistic dream for our future. When we're young and fairly uninitiated in what life has to offer, our scopes of desire are narrow and overly focused—to the point where it could be hinderance of opportunity, if followed unconditionally. In my own case I thought I would only want to direct feature-length movies, and nothing else. But life offered me opportunities that my young mind hadn't even thought of. Opportunities that changed the scope of what I thought I wanted to do in this massive world of videography. The branches of this world that I chose to exist in expands way beyond the singular path that I had initially set out for myself. And I am eternally grateful for this perspective that life gave to me. With the time that I am given, my ambitions will sore beyond the edges of any conventional path.
On this page, I will share with you some of my favourite videos works that I have come across in recent years. These videos are the kinds that I hope to one day produce or be apart of in some way, shape, or form.
On this page, I will share with you some of my favourite videos works that I have come across in recent years. These videos are the kinds that I hope to one day produce or be apart of in some way, shape, or form.
I was in no way affiliated with the production of the videos on this page in any way. These are just pieces of content that I admire, and hope to create content similar to them some day.
Ohh... The feels...Don't even try to pretend that this masterpiece of a commercial didn't send shivers down your spine and warm you up all at the same time. This might be (or definitely is) my favourite commercial of all time. I mean this transcends advertisement, and we might as well just call this a short piece of corporate produced cinema. Through its short runtime it accomplishes so much, such as introducing the characters, their needs and desires, their struggles and challenges, the main obstacle that transcends to the climax, and the payoff... Just beautiful.
Wait... What just happened?Well this is a change in tone from the previous video above. But it is a fantastic piece of commercial comedy. What I like most about this ad is that it most definitely could have been produced on a micro-budget, although in all likeliness was not. Its narrative structure is simple, contained, easy to grasp, and is suitable for all ages while still being a tad edgy. This type of narrative commercial, similar to the Adidas commercial above, does have a creative advantage during the video's conception: The brand (Doritos) is big and established enough that their video only has to entertain, and doesn't necessarily have to directly sell you on the product or its features.